Saturday, May 29, 2010

GI Joe Home for Christmas

Well....I haven't posted on my blog in so long I forgot how to even get passion for photography and my love for writing...expressing myself...why have I stayed away so long? I'll start with my son's homecoming...he left in Oct for the US Army...heartbroken, but proud of him...he came home for Christmas and her is a few of my favorite shots...not easy to shoot when so emotionally I found an organinzation that will do pictures for you...photographers that donate their time...amazing...when I told my friend and mentor Denise she offered to take the next homecoming... He is in Afghanistan now...we have a few coming...Aug for 2 week & April 1st deployment complete! ...can't get here soon favorite of his past coming is the one of my son and daughter...we surprised her at school...walked into her classroom unannounced...all I saw was a white blur as she flew across the classroom into her big brothers arms and we literally had to pry her off of him... He was in boot camp where we could only write to phone calls...few letters as he was busy and tired.... so seeing him for the first time in 2 months after 18 years of rarely being a part was quite a moment for all of us....I nick named him GI Joe...she is GI Jane as she is now considering a life in the military...God help me!

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