Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pacific Islanders 2010

I was asked to come back for the 2010 season with the Pacific Islanders on staff as their photographer...such an honor...this is my favorite thing to do...hang out on the sidelines of exciting football games and capture moments that make memories...action pause the action...and allow the player to see the moment they lived. I love these guys...I am old enough to be their mother...but I prefer to think of them as a bunch of little brothers....I delite at their sideline banter... they are fun and play hard. Here are a few of my favorites...not an easy task considering I haven' t blogged in forever! Will do more...and promised myself not to fall so far behind again...easier to write about just after the moments.

1 comment:

Jim, "Homer" said...

You just got to love that action, nothing like being on the sidelines with the team. I love that sportrait you have, great personal shot.